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The Surefire Group Coaching System

7-Week LIVE Training & Coaching Experience

The MOST ADVANCED system on the planet specifically designed for group coaching

The MOST EXPERIENTIAL way to learn group coaching

The ONLY program of its kind developed by, for, and with coaches like you.

The QUICKEST and EASIEST tools and techniques that you can immediately implement


Begins Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021


What past graduates have been noticing...

  • This has been far more valuable than a $30,000 mastermind that I purchased
  • This program saved my life and career
  • I was able to 4X my effective hourly rate by moving individuals confidently into a group and applying what I learned, and charging the same price for each person
  • This program is exactly what coaches need for the new relational and experiential world that we need to live in
  • Using Group Coach Magic techniques had such a powerful effect that if I continue to do so, I know that renewals will be higher at the end of the year because, it’s a better experience

Welcome to the new cutting edge world of group coaching!


Our Promise:


  • Designing and running your group sessions and live events will become much easier, and you’ll feel a lot less pressure leading them


  • You’ll learn our proven system for leading group coaching sessions that will give you the confidence to lead no matter what coaching framework you are using.


  • You’ll know how to create a real community with shared values and culture that will virtually assure all members get the progress they want and improve retention.


  • You’ll experience and learn frameworks, techniques, and principles that will upgrade the group coaching activities and experiences that you lead


  • You’ll be able to take action on what you learn FAST in leading your very next group session!  Experience the learning today, and be able to apply it tomorrow, without a steep learning curve.


  • You’ll stop feeling like you have to build a business on your own, with support from expert coaches just like yourself.


  • You’ll walk away with a design for a powerful LIVE masterclass or workshop of your own design, based on what you learn, and we will expect you to use it right away to fill your own group coaching program.


Program Details


The SureFire Group Coaching System - A 7-week program LIVE with Rob & Daniel


  1. CORE Live Coaching & Training Sessions (Valued at $5000)

Schedule: Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 pm EST


  • LIVE interactive and experiential coaching AND training so you can LEARN how to:
    • Stop worrying about how to lead the conversation
    • Get over impostor syndrome and be the coach
    • See how to handle when things go wrong (because they always do)
    • See how to start, end and transition the various session activities smoothly
    • Release the PRESSURE on you as a coach to have all the answers
    • Build CONFIDENCE in your ability to lead groups
    • Literally get coached by us, as you learn simultaneously
    • Learn through participating and engaging
    • Have a lot of FUN each session!
  • Experience and participate in an Action-Focused group
    • Figure out the key steps to move you forward faster
    • Implement what you learn right away between sessions
    • Increase accountability on your actions week to week
  • Add Cutting-edge Group Coaching techniques and principles to your toolbox:
    • How to design sessions to create a powerful experience
    • How to open sessions using our GPS framework
    • What to do in the middle of sessions
    • How to transition
    • How to manage group coaching sessions
    • How to end sessions with our ALIVE!! Ending framework
    • How to build a sense of community, and culture
    • Powerful question sequences
    • How to run our Advanced Connective Hotseats framework for next-level hotseats
    • How to help your participants get to know each other
    • Special technology-integrated techniques
    • And much more...
  • Workbooks for each session
    • Documents for each exercise for future reference, where you can record insights
    • Capture your key learnings and insights in one place
  • Debriefing activities to review what we do and learn FAST to iterate and improve
    • We will be debriefing session activities DURING the session to maximize learning
    • We will also conduct debriefs for the last 30 minutes of each session with the group
    • Learn how to do an effective debriefing, 
    • Capture powerful Design insights from Rob, Daniel, and all group members
  • Innovative Frameworks that aren’t taught anywhere else
  • Activities, sequences, and choreography you can use immediately in your next session


  1. Optional GCM Action Rooms (Valued at $2000)

Schedule: Fridays 2:30-4:00pm EST

  • 7 Optional Coaching “Action Rooms” on Fridays 2:30 pm-4:00 pm Eastern
    • Additional Support
      • We’ll take questions 1:1 for your next event or session and help you get it right
    • We’ll even laser coach you so you can get into the breakout room to focus and TAKE ACTION
    • Community members can take the time to FOCUS and WORK on the things that will move us forward by joining their focus breakout room
      • We’ll send you to silent breakout rooms for your focus work
    • Coaching from Rob/Daniel will be priceless!


Also Included:

A generous and kind cohort for 7 weeks of powerful community:

  • Meet colleagues and peers just like you working to elevate their group coaching, because... 
    • We attract and nurture people who create a culture of genuine authenticity and care
  • Access to the wisdom of our VIP Mastermind Members who may attend sessions
  • Live access to Rob & Daniel on over a dozen different sessions!



  • The Full Recordings of all 7 sessions (Valued at $2100)
    • Recordings will be provided so you can review the sessions again at a slower pace to really understand how the experience is crafted
    • Make sure you still attend LIVE because it’s 10x the value when you participate fully because you’ll learn that much more.
  • 7 Deeply Crafted Session Plans (Valued at $2100)
    • Our exact play-by-play session plans in all their glory, so you can compare the plan with the execution
    • See our notes and our debriefs and how we structure and prepare
    • We’ve included sample narrations and instructions to make it easy to replicate.